Tuesday, April 23, 2013


The growing season is here. Sprays have commenced. No pest trouble :) yet...
Budbreak was seen in greater than 50% of petit manseng on April 14, and less than 50% of petit verdot that same date.
Frost visited our vineyard April 22. The low temperature reached 31 degrees. There was very mild damage in the petit manseng, but enough to show that old man winter can still make an appearance. New growth is very sensitive to frost, and harvest can be drastically reduced by a frost event.
Petit manseng, 4/21/2013.
Petit verdot, 4/21/2013.
Green spring fields, with two deer on the left, waiting for my fruit.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Early spring means bleeding

Pruning cuts often leak sap in early spring, often called "bleeding" or "crying." But no one around here is crying. We are ready for budbreak!

A drop of sap, falling to the ground.  
Feeling sappy...